Does your diet need a bit of a freshen up after all this time at home? Don’t worry, it won’t cost a small fortune to get back on track. Start by getting back to basics. Check out these eight must-have ingredients and their benefits.
Leafy greens: High in fibre with a low GI, leafy greens will not only help you feel fuller for longer, but will replenish you with a wealth of vitamins, minerals and disease-fighting phytochemicals. When it comes to dark leafy greens, you get the green light to eat as much as you like, so get creative with smoothies, salads and even sneak them in to your baking when you can.
Eggs: Low calorie and packed with protein, your morning poached eggs can put you on the right track to slimming down. Additionally, hardboiled eggs are just as convenient as a snack to tide you over between meals. Pair with a piece of fruit and you can avoid the 3pm search for a sugary snack.
Lean meat: Lean meats including beef, chicken, pork and turkey contain a significant amount of protein, which is essential for the function and regulation of your body’s tissues and organs. When consumed in appropriate amounts, lean meats can assist in keeping you fuller for longer, and increasing the body’s thermogenic capabilities (its ability to burn calories).
Tuna: Just like lean meat, tuna engages the body’s thermogenic capabilities. The body burns more calories breaking down protein than breaking down carbohydrates and fats, meaning your protein-packed can of tuna can give your overall calorie burn a good boost.
Beans: High in fibre and slow to digest, beans are your meat-free protein fix. Beans help to keep your energy and blood levels stable, meaning you’re less likely to reach for a sugary treat to help you through the afternoon.
Oats: Thanks to its high fibre and healthy carb content, oats are a great option for those trying to lose weight. Whether you’re opting for steel-cut or instant, keep them unflavoured. Flavoured oats can pack a heap of sugar, leading to unnecessary empty calorie consumption.
Capsicum: Containing capsaicin, which has been shown to have metabolism boosting properties, capsicum is renowned for adding a little kick to your usual cook up. Spice things up by adding capsicum, jalapenos, or any other kind of pepper to your grocery list.
Berries: In a similar manner to capsaicin, raspberries contain a natural substance called ketones, which have been found to prevent an increase in overall body fat and visceral fat (the kind that can lead to heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers). For more health and fitness support, check out our online platform, Home Fitness Network. It contains recipes, meal plans, home workouts and so much more! Find out more!
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